@Sea Breeze,
When I was still a JW I came across a conversation between a theist and an atheist.
Theist claimed: life, the universe are way too complex to come into existence by chance/accident. Therefore a Creator must exist.
Atheist replied: A Creator must be at least as complex. Therefore the Creator must have a Creator too...and so on and so on. If an exception is made for the Creator (is complex but doesn't need a Creator) you should at least accept that we can apply that exception to the universe as well.
This struck a chord with me.
One of the main arguments for me believing in Jehovah was the whole "every house has a builder". And now I had to find something more, as that argument didn't seem to hold up by itself anymore.
So I set out to find evidence (testable, objective) evidence that would confirm my beliefs were true.
I sought evidence that shows Jehovah must exist. Found none.
I sought evidence Adam and Eve were created around 6000 years ago. Only found a lot of evidence that showed this story wrong.
Same with Noah's flood around 4000 years ago.
Evidence that shows the Bible is inspired, or at least without contradictions, mistakes or misinformation....only found evidence that shows the Bible is anything but flawless or inspired.
Lacking any evidence to properly support my religious beliefs, these beliefs vanished.
What was left was no belief in any gods, aka atheism.
Interestingly, I have always believed JW are very rational believers whose beliefs are based on evidence (unlike other believers, who 'just believe'). This is also the Watchtower narrative. Sadly enough, JW may be even more 'just believing' than some of the more sophisticated believers out there.
And JWism seems to be very Materialistic to me too. Living creatures don't have a soul, miracles are often sort of explained by invoking natural or physic processes applied by God at just the right time and place.
Anyway, it's not that Materialism atttacts me per se. It's just that I don't see any reason to believe in anything for which no evidence seems to exists, or which effects on our physical world can not be measured or confirmed in any way. Whether or not matter as we know it is all there is and what makes us us doesn't really matter then.
I don't believe in any gods for the same reason monotheists believe in all 'other' gods.
After I became an atheist I have read Pure Christianity and Why Materialism is Baloney. Both were utterly unconvincing to me.
What problems with a materialistic worldview do you think are most problematic?
What alternative worldview do you think is more useful or correct?